oin Patricia and co-host Phil Ayoub, former host of “Single MENtality” online talk show. Positive Dating features local rotating co-hosts, guests on dating topics, and the listener/caller audience.
Segment 1: Patricia and Phil welcome Dr. Claire Nicogossian, licensed Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Rhode Island. She will discuss single parenting and dating. Claire created www.MomsWellbeing.com, a website for women on knowledge, skills and compassion for self-care in motherhood. She is also working on a self-help book for Mothers and was also recently featured at Listen To Your Mother – Providence 2014 Show.
Patricia Raskin | Positive Dating |PD_5_24_14_h1_s1.mp3
Segment 2: Patricia and Phil welcome Dr. Claire Nicogossian, licensed Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Rhode Island.
Patricia Raskin | Positive Dating |PD_5_24_14_h1_s2.mp3
Segment 3: Patricia and Phil welcome Dr. Claire Nicogossian, licensed Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Rhode Island.
Patricia Raskin | Positive Dating |PD_5_24_14_h2_s1.mp3
Segment 4: Patricia and Phil welcome Dr. Claire Nicogossian, licensed Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Rhode Island.
Patricia Raskin | Positive Dating |PD_5_24_14_h2_s2.mp3