How the Impact of Words in Our Political Campaigns Affect Our Lives

I am a student and practitioner of words. Words are critical in my work and I use them carefully. Words have great impact and I have watched words “burn in my brain” long after they have been uttered. Actions do speak louder than words but words are often the gateway to actions.
I have been an avid watcher of both the Democratic and Republication convention and was struck by several politicians from both parties who used the entire speech to bash the opposing candidate. Nothing was said about what can be done to move forward and take action by the party.
I have never seen this name calling and character bashing this accelerated. This is not about taking sides, this is about the use and abuse of free speech that hurts all of us. The negative energy produced by this rhetoric delivers negativity and darkness.
On the other hand, I have also been enlightened by several speeches at the convention that brought me feelings of pride and joy and lifted me up. These conversations centered around unity and working together. Personally, in order for me to feel hopeful, I have to know that there are concrete ways and action steps to move us in a positive direction.
We are fortunate to live in a country where we can exert freedom of speech. That is one of the hallmarks of freedom. But when it goes too far and speech becomes a weapon to demean, undermine and destroy, it hurts of all us and dampens our spirit, and that is dangerous. Our spirit is what keeps us alive and thriving.