Podcasts are here to stay. And this isn’t just me watching and talking. Steven
Goldstein, CEO of Amplifi Media. LLC discusses this in his article in on April 20, 2018,” Podcast Listening Doubles and 6 More
Things,”. The article talks about how podcast listening has doubled in four years
from 2% to 4% of all audio listening and that among the most important trends
to watch is audio listening on the Smartphone.
I have watched this “wave” emerge and began doing internet radio programs in
its infancy in 2002. Since then, my internet radio show, in its fifteenth year, has
expanded to offer listeners podcast listening on several networks including
iTunes, and listeners can subscribe to shows and listen on demand at their
leisure. I am so convinced about this trend which how become a major growth
strategy, that I am moving my broadcast radio show exclusively to online and
podcast listening.
As a coach to internet radio hosts, I am now working with podcasters to help
them create compelling content with excellent audio, as you need both to keep
your listeners coming back for more.
Here are my top ten reasons to have your own podcast series.
1. Why do a podcast?
It increases your exposure, increases traffic generation & podcasts are growing
from 10-20% a year. The advantage of podcasts is that you can listen anywhere,
especially in the car when you can’t watch.
2. How do I reach my listeners?
Social media marketing is key – use Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, newsletters,
3. How do listeners find my podcast?
On an online search beginning with the word “podcast on …” And on a podcast
network, once they posted online eg spreaker, stitcher, iTunes
4. How much work is involved?
You need a podcast series title, topics, outline and possibly a loose script. And
5. What should my focus be/my topic be?
Whatever your clients and customers need most. Answer the questions they
frequently ask and focus on topics that address common problems.
6. Do I need to have guests, and if I do, who do I choose?
Guests can help you grow your audience. The more popular and well-known the
guest is, the more listeners you will have.
7. What makes a listener tune in/tune out?
They tune in because they like what you say, how you say it, and they need the
information. They tune out because the content is boring, they are not getting
what they need, or the technical quality is poor.
8. How do I repurpose my podcast?
You can transcribe the material and use it for a blog, create a Q % A on your
website, post podcast highlights on social media accounts.
9. How do I monetize my podcast?
Selling their own services (63%), Products (62%), Paid speaking (39%)
Advertising (31%) (Creator Monetization Report 2017)
10. Can I create my own podcast or do I need help?
You can do this on your own, but most people don’t have the time or expertise to
do the technical work, and most can use a coach to help them create compelling
content and engaging as “content is king.”
PUBLISHED BY RISBJ 5-24-18 (RI Small Business Journal)