oin Patricia and co-host Phil Ayoub, former host of “Single MENtality” online talk show. Positive Dating features local rotating co-hosts, guests on dating topics, and the listener/caller audience.
Segment 1: Patricia and Phil welcome Roy Biancalana, certified relationship coach, speaker, and author of A Drink With Legs. His passion is working with individuals or couples who are committed to experiencing the love life they most desire.
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Segment 2: Patricia and Phil welcome Roy Biancalana, certified relationship coach, speaker, and author of A Drink With Legs. His passion is working with individuals or couples who are committed to experiencing the love life they most desire.
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Segment 3: Patricia and Phil welcome Lorii Abela, a multi-awarded international leader and motivational speaker, matchmaker and an acknowledged expert on soul mates. She is a three time Amazon best seller and the compiler of the book Sexy Secrets to a Juicy Love Life where she has contributed a chapter entitled Juicy New Secrets to Dating for Expatriates.
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Segment 4: Patricia and Phil welcome Sherrie Campbell, veteran licensed Psychologist and author of Loving Yourself : The Mastery of Being Your Own Person.
Positive Dating | Patricia Raskin |PD_4_26_14_h2_s2.mp3