Join nationally recognized multi-media radio talk show host and award winning producer Patricia Raskin, host of Positive Living radio show, when she interviews Sharon Rennert, Robert Biekski, and Ruth Bielski Ehrreich – granddaughter, son and daughter of freedom fighter Tuvia Bielski, played by Daniel Craig in the movie Defiance. Listen and learn from Sharon Rennert, Robert Biekski, and Ruth Bielski Ehrreich when they discuss how the Bielski’s set up a self-sustaining village in the wilderness, successfully defied the Nazis during the Holocaust, hid in the forest, and maintained a self-contained society while losing only about 50 of their some 1,200 members. They will also discuss the impact of their grandfather/father Tuvia Bielski’s monumental achievements on their lives and the lessons learned.
Patricia Raskin | Bielski – Defiance |Bielski_Defiance_02_22_2009.mp3
Bielski – Defiance